New Website

There's a newer version of the language quizzes and some of the other pages at the new website The new website has some added and improved features, including the original language Biblical Greek and Hebrew audio (which can be slowed down to 3/4, half, or 1/3 speed), and a Strong's lexicon, and a few other things. Eventually I'll be adding most of those features to this site, as I get time to do it.
New Biblical Greek and Hebrew Language Features
On, the original language (Greek New Testament and Hebrew Old Testament) Bible pages (and also the Parallel English and Original Language Bible) can play audio of the Greek and Hebrew. The player allows you to slow down the speed to 3/4, half, or 1/3 of the original speed — which I find extremely helpful when learning the language, and can't keep up with the full speed audio Bible playback. The player remembers the speed you set from page to page, though it will forget the speed after your browser session times out (however long that is, it's a fair while like hours I think).
In the Greek or Hebrew (or parallel English and original language) Bible on, each of the verse numbers is a link to the word quiz which steps through that whole verse, one word at a time, in multiple choice format. I was trying to think of a way to read the Hebrew and Greek Bibles that was somewhere in between an interlinear (which shows both the English and Greek or Hebrew together on the same page) and a "reader's edition" (which shows only the Greek or Hebrew Bible text, but then has dictionary definitions for the less-known words at the bottom of each page).
Also, the "Root" words in the newer language quizzes (on both websites) now link to the Strong's Lexicon (i.e. dictionary) for that word, which shows the different meanings and grammatical forms that are found in the Bible for each word.
You can search Strong's Lexicon for English, Greek, or Hebrew words that are found in the Bible, and find information about them (and the parsing of the word forms) in an interactive graphical format.
The idea of the Walk-Through Bible Verse Quiz is that you get prompted with multiple-choice options for each word — meaning that you still have to activate the part of your brain that recalls information (rather than just reading it passively like an interlinear), but it's much less effort (for someone relatively new to the language) than reading the plain Greek or Hebrew text.
The fonts and some other things are also a bit different to this site (, and either one or the other might look better, depending on which browser, operating system, and type of device (e.g. phone vs. desktop PC vs. tablet, etc.) you're using.
The World's Oldest Writing
The world's oldest written languages are symbolic, were hundreds (in some cases thousands) of individual symbols must be learned. Sometime around 3000 B.C. (very approximately), the first alphabets developed, where only a small number of individual symbols were needed (as in English).
There is debate over exactly which alphabet was the first to ever be used. Many people say it's Phonecian. There are some recent claims that it was Hebrew. In any case, most of the evidence points to the Ancient Near East as where the first alphabet was developed.
And also, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the same 22 letters which are found in most of the Ancient Near Eeastern alphabet-based languages. The letters look different in the different languages, but have mostly the same sounds and the same functions. (As can be seen here on Wikipedia). And many of the exact (or very close) same words and spellings are found across the different languages of this type.
The Hebrew and Phonecian alphabets (and many others from that era and area) are close enough that once you learn one of them, it's vastly easier to learn the others. And the ancient language out of these with the most amount of learning resources available to us in the modern Western world is Hebrew (due to interest in the Bible).
Therefore (irrespective of your interest in the Bible itself), in order to learn the world's oldest written languages, learning ancient Biblical Hebrew is probably the best (and easiest) stepping stone to learning any of the other languages of this type.