The Holy Bible
edit 15 Jul 2018There are nine different Bible versions available, all public domain. The most recent version is the World English Bible from 2000. ...
A Prayer to Help Quit Drinking
edit 17 May 2020Here's a prayer which could help to quit drinking. It's been many years since I had a serious drinking problem, though after that I was on and off with drinking (and sometimes too much...
Koine Greek Word Quiz
edit 20 Jan 2019This is the easiest of the language quizzes for beginners. Which Koine Greek words correctly match these ten definitions, that were randomly selected from the most popular 15 to 5,453 biblical Greek word definitions? Use...
How and Why I Quit Drinking
edit 19 Jun 2019Since I have enough experience (and success) with this topic to easily write a whole book about it, or even a series of books, this first web page about how to quit drinking is going...
Biblical (Koine) Greek Bible Verse Quiz
edit 22 Jun 2020Which English Bible verses match these ten Koine Greek verses, that were randomly selected from the Greek New Testament? This Biblical Greek quiz is meant more as a learning exercise than an assessment. You don\'t...
Koine Greek Meaning Quiz
edit 20 Jan 2019Which meanings match these ten Koine Greek words, that were randomly selected from the most popular 15 to 5,453 biblical Greek words? Use the drop-down list to select how many words the quiz will be...
Biblical Hebrew Word Quiz
edit 27 Dec 2018Which Hebrew words correctly answer these ten questions randomly selected from the most popular 15 to 8,678 biblical Hebrew word definitions? The quiz is much easier with the transliteration turned on, which shows how the...
Multi-Choice Bible Reader
edit 12 Jul 2021Read through each bible verse of your choice, one word at a time, in a multiple choice format. An aid to learning the Bible in Engligh, or ancient original languages....
Biblical Hebrew Meaning Quiz
edit 28 Dec 2018Which meanings match these ten Hebrew words randomly selected from the most popular 15 to 8,678 biblical Hebrew words? Unlike the Hebrew Word Quiz, the transliteration can be turned on without giving the answers away...
The 66 Books of The Bible
edit 13 Jan 2019This is a very new page and I'll fix it up soon... It's very rough at the moment. It was pasted in from a private document I made in 2018, to help me learn...
Einstein Explains God's Six-Day Creation
edit 29 Mar 2019In Genesis 1, the Bible tells us that God made everything in six days. Yet according to modern science, the Earth is 4.5 billion years old. And the universe is something like 10-15 billion...
Bitzer Was a Banker! – Reasons to Learn Hebrew and Greek
edit 11 Aug 2019I've been very inspired by the article "Bitzer Was a Banker!" by John Piper. It's about reasons for learning the original languages of the Bible. I first saw the article quoted in the first Hebrew...
Selectable Bible Chapter Greek and Hebrew Quiz
edit 10 Jul 2021Pick any chapter of the Bible and you can quiz the Hebrew Old Testament and Greek New Testament words in that chapter....
Shortcuts for Beginning Biblical Hebrew
edit 24 Feb 2019This page gives some shortcuts for beginning to learn Biblical Hebrew. Most of these are just things I thought up myself, to help me remember some of the words and grammar. I'm only new...
Who is Jesus Christ?
edit 13 Oct 2018Jesus came to Earth to show us how God works, and how by believing in him and following him, we can be saved. And to show us how to live in a way that's...
When Objects Start Flying Across the Room
edit 9 Aug 2019I've been thinking of a while now that I really should write up a list of all the "strange coincidences" that I notice. Things which seem to me to be too much of a coincidence...
You Can Become a Christian Right Now
edit 12 Oct 2018If you've decided that you want to become a Christian, you can, right now, in the time it takes to read this web page. If you're not sure, you can think about it some...
Christian Books
edit 16 May 2020This page shows some books which have helped and inspired me to learn more about Jesus, and how to follow him as my Lord and Saviour. I have a lot more books to add soon......
Christianity Through the Eyes of a Child
edit 5 Jan 2019"I'm older than you, Dad!" said my son one day in the courtyard outside church, when he was six. Then he said, "I'm six million years old!". His friend standing next to him then said...
Deep Christianity – Going to a Whole New Level of Faith
edit 18 Jun 2019Around two years ago, my faith in Jesus Christ began to take on what felt like a whole new dimension. After being a Christian for about eight years, I felt like, finally, I'd started to...
edit 22 Sep 2018Mostly what I want to do with this website is express my love for Jesus Christ, who has saved me. And brought me back from the dead to the living. Even if you don't...
10 Years of Playing Christian Worship Guitar
edit 18 Jun 2019Sometime in the next few months (I'm not sure of the exact date), it's coming up to the 10th anniversary of when I started playing Christian worship guitar at church. I'd only just became a...
What is Christianity About?
edit 13 Oct 2018In our modern world, nearly everyone has heard of Christianity. But that's about as far as it goes. What really is it? What's it about? Okay, it's a religion. But what does that even mean?...
Introduction to the Book of Numbers
edit 2 Jun 2020This page is an introduction and summary for the book of Numbers in the Christian Bible. (Numbers is also in the Jewish Bible, but I'll be covering it from a Christian perspective). I'm doing...
You Can Have a Real, Actual, Working, Lightsaber. Yes, Really.
edit 3 Feb 2020When I was much younger, I used to think that a real, working lightsaber was the single best material object it could ever be possible to own, out of anything I could imagine. Even for...
What If You Actually Believed You're Going to Heaven?
edit 28 Jun 2019Take a quick break, just for a minute — and think about what would it feel like if you truly did believe you're going to go to heaven. Heaven. Heaven. What even...
Eight New Testament Letters Summarised
edit 19 Oct 2018I'm doing an exam in 3 or 4 weeks on these eight New Testament letters, plus the book of Revelation (which I'll summarise in a separate web page). Since it's almost just as easy to write...
Introduction to the Book of Exodus
edit 2 Jun 2020This page is an introduction and summary for the book of Exodus in the Christian Bible. (Exodus is also in the Jewish Bible, but I'll be covering it from a Christian perspective). I'm doing...
Introduction the Book of Judges
edit 2 Jun 2020This page is an introduction and summary for the book of Judges in the Christian Bible. (Judges is also in the Jewish Bible, but I'll be covering it from a Christian perspective). I'm doing...
How to Read the Bible
edit 5 Oct 2018I was nine years old the first time I tried to read the Bible all the way through from front to back. I got up to halfway through Exodus, which is the second book out...
How to Begin a Completely New Life Starting Right Now
edit 5 Oct 2018Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life Would you like to really change your life? Popular Western media both expresses and massively influences what we think, feel, and assume about life. An...
History of Christian Missions to China
edit 14 Mar 2019The stories of Christian missionaries are an inspiration to all Christians, and highlights their dedication to spreading the gospel — often at extreme personal cost. This page outlines some of...
The Paradox of Losing Your Life to Find It
edit 28 Nov 2018Read through each bible verse of your choice, one word at a time, in a multiple choice format. An aid to learn the English, Greek, and Hebrew of the Bible....
Introduction to the Books of 1 and 2 Samuel
edit 2 Jun 2020This page is an introduction and summary for the books of 1 & 2 Samuel in the Christian Bible. (1 & 2 Samuel are also in the Jewish Bible, but I'll be covering them...
Why Become a Christian?
edit 13 Oct 2018The short answer to the question "Why become a Christian?" is that it's so much better. Better now and better in the future. Jesus Becomes the Centre of Your Life As a Christian, Jesus Christ becomes the...
Introduction to the Book of Leviticus
edit 2 Jun 2020This page is an introduction and summary for the book of Leviticus in the Christian Bible. (Leviticus is also in the Jewish Bible, but I'll be covering it from a Christian perspective). I'm doing...
Is God Real – How Can Anyone Really Know?
edit 25 Mar 2019How can we know that God is real? This page is the first of six parts based on an excellent series my church is running, called "The God Questions". The first question is the most...
How I Began Learning the Biblical Languages
edit 15 Feb 2019This page describes how I started learning the biblical languages of Biblical Hebrew and Koine Greek. This year (2019) I'm going to be formally studying them at Morling College in Sydney, Australia — however I've...
Changelog of Updates to
edit 5 Oct 2018Monday, 17 June 2019 The language quizzes now have an "instant feedback" feature, which shows immediately as you answer each question if you chose the correct answer, or not. This feature can be turned on...
Christian Resources and Organisations
edit 12 Oct 2018Here are some recommended Christian resources. This is a new page, and will grow and improve considerably over time... The page Bring Your Faith Back to Life! contains an overview of several different ideas, and...
Introduction to the Book of Joshua
edit 2 Jun 2020This page is an introduction and summary for the book of Joshua in the Christian Bible. (Joshua is also in the Jewish Bible, but I'll be covering it from a Christian perspective). I'm doing...
Christian Books About Singleness
edit 1 Jun 2020Here are some Christian books about singleness. In some ways being single is harder as a Christian, especially when you're also celibate. Though in some ways, it's easier. I've got a large collection of Christian books...
Is There Really a Hell?
edit 15 May 2020The Bible mentions "hell" several times — so if the Bible is true, does that mean that there must also be a hell? And if so, what is that like? And what determines who goes...
Introduction to the Book of Deuteronomy
edit 2 Jun 2020This page is an introduction and summary for the book of Deuteronomy in the Christian Bible. (Deuteronomy is also in the Jewish Bible, but I'll be covering it from a Christian perspective). I'm doing...
Have You Ever Watched Pure Gold Evaporate?
edit 26 Feb 2019If I had to write a list of the most interesting things I've ever seen, it would definitely include watching pure gold melt, then boil, and then evaporate — and then transform itself into something...
First Impressions of Logos 8 Free Bible Software
edit 16 Jun 2019Last week I installed Logos 8 Bible Software, the free version. I haven't used anything like this before, which from the point of this review is both good and bad. Bad in the sense that...
New Website
edit 5 Aug 2021There's a newer version of the language quizzes and some of the other pages at the new website The new website has some added and improved features, including the original...
Introduction to the Books of 1 and 2 Kings
edit 2 Jun 2020This page is an introduction and summary for the books of 1 & 2 Kings in the Christian Bible. (1 & 2 Kings are also in the Jewish Bible, but I'll be covering them...
A Bird's Eye View of the Bible
edit 9 Oct 2018This page gives a quick overview of the Holy Bible. It's a new page and still undergoing completion and improvement. The Bible on There are currently nine versions of the Bible on, seven of...
Is Your Christian Faith Stuck in a Rut?
edit 16 Jun 2019Some years after discovering Jesus, sometimes people find that their initial excitement and enthusiasm to follow Christ can wear off. Things start to feel routine, and ordinary, and not as special as when you were...
Learn to Be Happy in Any Situation
edit 15 May 2020It's possible to learn how to be happy in any situation. We can truly know that it's possible, because many people have done it. And we can read their stories as inspiration. And to learn...
How to Believe the Bible is True
edit 15 May 2020This page shows how anyone can find hope, happiness, and meaning in their life by learning to believe that the Bible is true, and the Word of God. Common Obstacles to Belief in the Bible One thing...
Introduction to the Book of Genesis
edit 2 Jun 2020This page is an introduction and summary for the book of Genesis in the Christian Bible. (Genesis is also in the Jewish Bible, but I'll be covering it from a Christian perspective). I'm doing...
Don't Be Afraid of What's Happening in the World
edit 19 Jun 2019We constantly hear and see examples of things telling us how our world is falling apart at the seams. Yet as Christians, we have nothing to ultimately fear from anything that happens in this...
Your Logical Mind is a Trap
edit 28 Nov 2018The Computing Machine in Our Minds Our logical mind is just a part, one part, of our mortal human brain. It has certain specific functions — for example, it receives impulses from other parts of...
Memory Hints for Biblical Hebrew Words
edit 13 Mar 2019This page gives some memory hints to help remember Biblical Hebrew vocabulary words. Some of these I've thought up and others I got from other places. I'll update the page as I go with new...
Legal Information and Disclaimer
edit 16 Jul 2018Authority of the Bible The Bible as God's word is the priority of this website. All authority comes from the living Christ Jesus, and the biblical record of what he said and did. These things are...
Classic Christian Books You Can Read For Free
edit 10 Dec 2018This new page contains links to classic Christian books that you can read or download for free. I'll add a lot more over the summer. A classic is an outstanding example of...
How to Not Feel Like an Impostor at Church
edit 5 Jul 2019When I first started going to church I used to imagine that at any minute, someone would come and tap me on the shoulder — and say something like "Well, you know, we get that...
Improve Sore Eyes when Reading and Studying
edit 16 May 2020Do you get sore eyes from doing a lot of reading and studying? I had perfect eyesight for most of my life, though in the last few years this had declined. Here are a few...
How to Learn to Pray
edit 11 Mar 2019This page gives ideas for many different ways you can pray. You can choose which ones you like the best. You certainly don't have to try everything suggested here (though you could, if you wanted...
Shortcuts for Beginning Koine Greek
edit 24 Feb 2019This page gives some shortcuts for beginning to learn Koine Greek. Most of these are just things I thought up myself, to help me remember some of the words and grammar. I'm only new...
Are You Awake or Asleep Right Now?
edit 16 Dec 2018This page is addressed to anyone who feels a deep need to have things "proven" to them before they can believe in something. The purpose of the page is to point out that we can...
Now I Will Dare to Say Mad Words
edit 3 Jan 2019Reverend Richard Wurmbrand spent 14 years in Romanian communist prisons for his crime of refusing to deny Jesus Christ. He spent nearly three of those years in solitary confinement, alone in a small ...
Goin' Down, Party Time?
edit 1 Jul 2019The word for "the devil" also has the meaning of " the adversary", that is, "the opposer". The devil is meant to oppose. His name means that. By definition, he's an evil being....
My Calling to Bible College
edit 20 Dec 2018This story begins in the early 2000s, when my life was not in a good place. For many years I'd been following a mixture of different varieties of new-age spiritual practices. But around the...
Try the SBC Pumpkins Tithing Challenge – And See if You Go Hungry!
edit 18 Jul 2019It's fun! It's a challenge! And it will bring your spiritual walk with God alive... I encourage you to do it in every possible, imaginable way. Try the SBC Pumpkins Tithing Challenge — and see...
Is the Bible True – How Do We Know?
edit 29 Mar 2019How can we know that the Bible is true? This page is the second of six parts based on an excellent series my church is running, called "The God Questions". This series is based on...
Remember that You're Going to Heaven!
edit 17 Jun 2019Before I was a Christian, I used to think that someone who believed they were going to heaven would just be happy all the time. Since, what would there really be to be worried or...
Going to Church
edit 13 Oct 2018Do You Have to Go to church? You don't have to go to church to be a Christian. Most Christians who are active about their faith do go to a church of one kind or another....
Quick and Easy Proof that God Exists
edit 17 Dec 2018In our desperation to imagine that current human opinions have supreme authority about things like correct vs. incorrect, right vs. wrong, real vs. imaginary, good vs. evil, and so on..., people often make the...
Introducing the Gospel of Matthew
edit 2 Jul 2019This page is taken from an assignment I did for Bible college last year. The assignment asked for a written script of a sermon introduction, for a hypothetical series on the Gospel of Matthew. The...
Bring Your Faith Back to Life!
edit 13 Oct 2018This is a new page, that will be fixed up properly over June/July 2019... Ideas to Help Renew Your Christian Faith Here's a list of ideas that might help to renew your Christian faith. If you're...
If We Could Realise How Much God Loves Us
edit 16 Jun 2019I often think that if only we could fully realise how much God really does love us, so many of the problems we face in this world would be no more, and we would live...
Initial Progress Learning Biblical Languages – Good and Bad News
edit 9 Aug 2019The good news is that I got two high distinctions for first semester, one for Greek and one for Hebrew. Considering that the languages at Morling (and I get the impression in general) are regarded...
The Two Types of Science
edit 28 Nov 2018Most people don't realise there are two entirely different concepts that are commonly called "science". And that they can, at times, completely contradict one another. 1. One is...
The First Blog Page on
edit 9 Oct 2018Welcome to the first page of the blog section of At this stage (early October 2018) the site is only brand new. Many of the links and other things still don't...
About the Photo Albums
edit 9 Oct 2018How to use the Photo Albums This is a very rough initial edit of this page and will be improved substantially... There is one (pretty much complete) photo album so far. The actual photo albums...