Christian Books

Christian Books -

This page shows some books which have helped and inspired me to learn more about Jesus, and how to follow him as my Lord and Saviour. I have a lot more books to add soon... In future I'll sort these out much better, and into different categories and sections.

What's On This Page?

Books About How to Live as a Christian
Books about Christian Martyrs
Christian Books about Survival
Christian Nature Books
Books about Christian Purity
Christian Books about Psychology and Inner Issues
Christian Books about Addictions
General Christian Books

Books About How to Live as a Christian

The Disciplines of the Christian Life, by Eric Liddell

The Disciplines of the Christian Life, by Eric Liddell.

This is an awesome, powerful book that was almost lost to the world. It's quite old-fashioned in its style and message.

Eric Henry Liddell (16 January 1902 - 21 February 1945) was a Scottish athlete, rugby union international player, and missionary, who chose his religious beliefs over competing in an Olympic race held on a Sunday. At the 1924 Summer Olympics in Paris, Liddell refused to run in the heats for his favoured 100 metres because they were held on a Sunday. Instead he competed in the 400 metres held on a weekday, a race that he won. He returned to China in 1925 to serve as a missionary teacher. Aside from two furloughs in Scotland, he remained in China until his death in a Japanese civilian internment camp in 1945. Liddell's Olympic training and racing, and the religious convictions that influenced him, are depicted in the Oscar-winning 1981 film Chariots of Fire.

I'll have to try and find what the original date of writing was, it seems to be around 1940. Perhaps nobody knows. This book was put together from two pamphlets provided by Eric's widow Mrs. Florence Liddell Hall, and a manuscript that was written by Liddell and privately circulated among the internment camp where he was kept.

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Books about Christian Martyrs

The Heavenly Man - The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun, by Brother Yun with Paul Hattaway

The Heavenly Man - The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun, by Brother Yun with Paul Hattaway.

This is one of my favourites of the Christian martyr stories I've read. I really think it's one of those classic books that everyone should read. The product description says "This is the intensely dramatic story of how God took a young, half-starved boy from a poor village in Henan Province and used him mightily to preach the gospel, despite horrific opposition. Brother Yun is one of China's house church leaders, a man who despite his relative youth has suffered prolonged torture and imprisonment for his faith. Instead of focusing on the many miracles or experiences of suffering, however, Yun prefers to emphasise the character and beauty of Jesus. This astonishing book will form a watershed in your spiritual life."

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Yun: The Heavenly Man, graphic version, by  Paul Hattaway, The Edge Group (Illustrator)

Yun: The Heavenly Man, graphic version, by Paul Hattaway, The Edge Group (Illustrator).

This is a comic book style version of The Heavenly Man

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Tortured for Christ, by Richard Wurmbrand

Tortured for Christ, by Richard Wurmbrand.

This is the first Christian Martyr book I read. It's one of those classic books which have changed a lot of people's lives. It's a very, very big contrast to what a lot of people, especially in Western countries, think of religion.

The official description says "Romanian Pastor Richard Wurmbrand spent 14 years in Communist prisons for his belief in Jesus Christ and his public proclamation of his faith. He suffered months of solitary confinement, physical torture, hunger and cold, mental cruelty and brainwashing at the hands of his captors. However, his faith and that of thousands of other believers persisted; faithful souls that had met in homes, basements, in the woods, and secretly preached on street corners knowing well the cost of their actions. This is their story, one of endurance, and courage and relentless belief."

Download PDF (free) from the Richard Wurmbrand Foundation

Richard Wurmbrand Foundation Website

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In God's Underground, by Richard Wurmbrand

NEW: In God's Underground, by Richard Wurmbrand.

I've got this one recently and haven't finished it yet. It goes into a lot more detail of Richard Wurmbrand's imprisonment (and torture) than Tortured for Christ does. It also covers more of the details of his early life before he was a Christian. I was very interested to read this part because I found it encouaging that someone like myself with a significant non-Christian part to my younger adult life (and attitude) could ever hope to attain the truly amazing levels of forgiveness and peace that Pastor Wurmbrand did.

I'd recommend reading Tortured for Christ first, and if you like that then you could move on to this book. As far as I know it's out of print and only available second hand or as an eBook.

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God's Smuggler, by Brother Andrew, with  John and Elizabeth Sherrill

NEW: God's Smuggler, by Brother Andrew, with John and Elizabeth Sherrill.

I've only got this one recently and haven't read it all yet. It's great though. It's one of those classic Christian Martyr books that I'd heard of many years before I was a believer. I was intrigued by the title and the idea that someone could be a "smuggler" but not a smuggler of drugs, firearms, slaves, or other things intended for illegal and destructive/immoral use.

Brother Andrew begins his story as a soldier in the Dutch army in Indonesia, before he was a Christian. He's a "crazy" young man looking for adventure and he certainly finds it. The cover says "Over 10 Million Copies Sold" which is about 1/3 of the number of copies of the biggest selling music albums of all time, and 1/5 to 1/3 (depending on whose statistics you believe) of the copies of the biggest selling album ever, Michael Jackson's Thriller. This one is the 2015 edition.

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God's Smuggler - Young Readers' Edition, by Brother Andrew, with  John and Elizabeth Sherrill

NEW: God's Smuggler - Young Readers' Edition, by Brother Andrew, with John and Elizabeth Sherrill.

This is an abridged version for younger readers published in 2017. From the publisher, "Millions have been awed by this riveting true-life spy story of a Dutch factory worker going undercover to take Bibles behind closed borders. Let this captivating illustrated edition for readers ages 9 to 12 introduce the young people in your life to one of the heroes of the faith--and the miraculous ways in which God leads those who follow his heart."

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Early Christian Martyr Stories: An Evangelical Introduction with New Translations, by Bryan M. Litfin

Early Christian Martyr Stories: An Evangelical Introduction with New Translations, by Bryan M. Litfin.

I really like this one. It seems to somehow balance extremly full-on stories of what the ancient martyrs went through with the positive, happy, even joyous outlook that they had. It probably does that more than any other book I've seen. Having said that, it's quite intense in how much it describes so perhaps it's not for everyone.

I liked it so much I bought a second copy to keep in the car, just so I'll probably always have one with me no matter what happens in the future. To write a whole website about survival, I think requires somewhat of a fear of death. Books like this have lessened my fear of death more than anything else I've seen.

This book contains new translations of the original stories of the ancient martyrs (which were not written in English), plus descriptions by the author, who translated them.

From the publisher: "Personal narratives are powerful instruments for teaching, both for conveying information and for forming character. The martyrdom accounts preserved in the literature of early Christianity are especially intense and dramatic. However, these narratives are not readily available and are often written in intimidating prose, making them largely inaccessible for the average reader. This introductory text brings together key early Christian martyrdom stories in a single volume, offering new, easy-to-read translations and expert commentary. An introduction and explanatory notes accompany each translation. The book not only provides a vivid window into the world of early Christianity but also offers spiritual encouragement and inspiration for Christian life today."

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Foxe's Book of Martyrs, by  John Foxe

Foxe's Book of Martyrs, by John Foxe.

This is without doubt the most famous and widely read of the Christian martyr books. It was first published in 1563, before even the King James Bible of 1611. It used to be chained to a lectern alongside the Bible in churches of the late 1500s and for some time thereafter. It's quite eye opening if you have never read anything like it before. It's intense reading and can be overwhelming at times. Some of the more modern books, especially ones where the whole book is the one story (not a compilation) give more of the positive thoughts and feelings of the martyrs. Foxe's Book of Martyrs is available in more editions than any other book on apart from the Bible. Some editions have been updated and added to with more stories from after John Foxe's death.

Not long ago I purchased an MP3 audio CD version of Foxe's Book of Martyrs. I've listened to the first disc so far. I made a deal with myself that the CD had to stay in my car CD player until it was finished. It was pretty heavy going! Before trying this at home you would want to read (or listen to) one or more martyr books which focus more on their positivity and how happy they are. There is some of this in Foxe's book but, depending on your outlook, the very numerous decriptions of extreme tortures and deaths can tend to outweigh the positive.

The official description to the Bridge Logos version (with a picture of a lion on the cover) reads "Would you suffer persecution, poverty, and prison for Christ? Would you endure cruel tortures that take your mind and body to the brink of death and beyond? Would you watch your children suffering for their faith and urge them to remain faithful to Christ? Would you endure inhuman tortures and "hold fast the profession of your faith without wavering" (Hebrews 10:23)? Would you stand boldly and without shame and confess Christ as your Lord, to your own and to your family's peril? Two thousand years of martyrs: For nearly two thousand years, courageous men and women have been tortured and killed because of their confessions of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The New Foxe's Book of Martyrs tells their stories. Stories of heroic courage and overcoming faith. Stories of love of God and Christ. Stories of the amazing grace of God that enabled men, women, and children to endure persecutions and often horrible deaths. Foxe's last revision of his Book of Martyrs was in 1570. In the 18th century others added to his book. But Christians have continued to be persecuted and martyred every year since then. More Christians were martyred in this century [the 1900s] alone than in all the past centuries combined. The New Foxe's Book of Martyrs tells their stories from A.D. 37 to 1997 in modern English, and includes new historical data that clarifies and harmonizes people, places, and times. The New Foxe's Book of Martyrs is the most up to date version of Foxe's book ever published. It is essential reading for the study of Christian persecution in Foxe's day and in ours".

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Rachel's Tears: 10th Anniversary Edition — The Spiritual Journey of Columbine Martyr Rachel Scott, by Beth Nimmo and Darrell Scott, with Steve Rabey (As told to)

Rachel's Tears: 10th Anniversary Edition — The Spiritual Journey of Columbine Martyr Rachel Scott, by Beth Nimmo and Darrell Scott, with Steve Rabey (As told to).

Rachel Scott died as one of the 12 students (plus one teacher) killed in the Columbine High School massacre in Colorado, USA, on the 20th of April 1999. She was a Christian. There has been considerable debate as to exactly what was said on the day of the shootings, and to some people this is very important. However, as explained on page 92 of Rachel's Tears, "When it's all said and done, the precise details of the Coumbine students' deaths make little difference". Rachel's mother points out how it really doesnt make any difference to her or her family members [whether or not Rachel was specifically asked if she believed in God, and then said she did, before she was killed] because they were aware of her deep committment to Christ a long time ago. I find it hard to imagine anyone reading Rachel's journals and coming to the conclusion that she was not really a Christian. So I don't really understand what all the fuss is about in terms of the exact words that were said on the day of the killings. I've put Rachel in the Martyr section out of respect for her parents, because I get the impression they would want her book to be here. It could just as easily be in a different section, or more than one section. A lot of other books I review could be (and sometimes are) put in more than one category. Or the category might get changed if I think one or another is more appropriate. Rachel's Tears would still be the same great book whatever category it was placed in.

Much more importantly than the precise details of her death, Rachel's life was filled with the attitude of a sincere Christian — which is that of a martyr. You can see this in many places in the book, for example on pages 96-97 which has photographs from Rachel's journal, in her own handwriting. She explains losing her friends at school now that she has begin to "walk her talk", that she was "not going to apologise for speaking the name of Jesus", and "not going to hide the light that God has put into me. If I have to sacrifice everything... I will." That particular journal entry is dated (still in Rachel's handwriting) 20 April 1998, which is exactly one year before she died.

The main thing I got from the book was that, since Rachel was a high-school student, I compared most of the book to my own high school experience. And thought about all the things I wished I'd done differently, and how different (most likely a lot better) my life would have been had I been a Christian then. As Christians we are forgiven for our sins, and it's not always best to dwell too much on past mistakes. But on the other hand, what better thing is there we can do with our past mistakes than to learn from them? I found Rachel's personal journals of her high school life helped me to learn from the many mistakes of my own high-school life.

Booktopia says this book is for ages 12-14 but I was much older than that when I read it, and I liked it a lot.

From the publisher, "'I am not going to apologize for speaking the name of Jesus . . . If I have to sacrifice everything . . . I will.' — Rachel Scott. The Columbine tragedy in April 1999 pierced the heart of our country. We later learned that the teenage killers specifically targeted Rachel Scott and mocked her Christian faith on their chilling, homemade videotapes. Rachel Scott died for her faith. Now her parents talk about Rachel's life and how they have found meaning in their daughter's martyrdom in the aftermath of the school shooting. Rachel's Tears comes from a heartfelt need to celebrate this young girl's life, to work through the grief and the questions of a nation, and to comfort those who have been touched by violence in our schools today. Using excerpts and drawings from Rachel's own journals, her parents offer a spiritual perspective on the Columbine tragedy and provide a vision of hope for preventing youth violence across the nation. Meets national education standards."

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Christian Books about Survival

The LDS Preparedness Manual The LDS Preparedness Manual.

This is a free downloadable PDF book. Highly recommended. Yes "LDS" refers to the Mormon Church (i.e. the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), but there is a massive amount of content in here that will be useful for everyone. There is also a hard copy version available from Amazon, which at the time I'm writing this has 42 reviews, 41 of them 5/5 stars, and one 4/5.

Free download link here. (Note that it asks for your email address, but any email address will do, e.g. If you click on the link you can view the table of contents on the HTML page before you download it.

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Tactical Bible Stories: Personal Security Tips from the Bible, by  Rob Robideau

Tactical Bible Stories: Personal Security Tips from the Bible, by Rob Robideau.

Proper review coming soon. From the publisher, " Does the Bible give specific advice for armed self-defense? Yes! Can the Bible teach you how to select self-defense tools like guns and knives? Absolutely! Can the Bible show us how to use those tools most effectively? Without a doubt! The Bible has fantastic examples of tactics, concepts, and ideas that are still used and taught by modern security professionals! Tactical Bible Stories takes the most important aspects of personal security and uses illustrations straight from the Bible to make them fun and easy for anyone to understand, remember, and apply. Tactical Bible Stories will help you learn how to prepare for, avoid, and deal with violent confrontations."

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Christian Prepping 101: How To Start Prepping, by Tom Eckerd, Edited by A.F.J.

Christian Prepping 101: How To Start Prepping, by Tom Eckerd, Edited by A.F.J..

This is a new one I've only just discovered. It's the first of a series, you can find out more about the others here on Amazon.

From the publisher, "Prepping, Survival, SHTF, End Times, Series Vol 1 In this book we laid the foundations of what we consider to be "Christian Prepping". If you're a Christian and into prepping you should enjoy this book as a gives a clear concise systematic approach to prepping from a Christian perspective. We have attempted to touch on all of the critical items one should consider when seeking to be prepared. For many Christian Preppers just starting out this may in fact end up being your go to book as you prepare you and your family for what's to come. Table of Contents Include the Following: Table of Contents Chapter 1: What is Christian Prepping Chapter 2: Understand the Why Chapter 3: Spiritual Survival Chapter 4: What is God's Plan Chapter 5: Educating Yourself Chapter 6: Five Foundations of Survival Chapter 7: How to Start Prepping Chapter 8: Kits & Bags Chapter 9: The EDC Chapter 10: The Bug Out Bag Chapter 11: The INCH Bag Chapter 12: The Bug Out Vehicle (BOV) Chapter 13: The Bug Out Retreat (BOR) Chapter 14: Caching Chapter 15: Alternative Housing Options Chapter 16: Alternative Energy Options Chapter 17: What to Buy - A Basic Shopping List for Your BOB Chapter 18: Hygiene, Medical & Personal Care Conclusion And more..."

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Why Even Worry?: A Christian Perspective On Preparing For What Is Coming, by Richard Graham

Why Even Worry?: A Christian Perspective On Preparing For What Is Coming, by Richard Graham.

Another new one which looks like it will be good. Published May 2017.

From the publisher, "We constantly hear about wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, economic instability, terrorism, and more. It makes it very difficult to focus on our personal lives when we know that there is so much uncertainty bombarding us throughout the week. What are we to do then? Are we the generation that will experience the events of Revelation? In Why Even Worry? we will cover a variety of different topics from the reason why you need to be a prepper, what the Bible says about preparing for hard times, quick steps you can take today to get started, and much more. As Christians, we need to understand that it doesn't matter if the end times are finally wrapping up or if we have another thousand years. God has us here for a purpose, and our priority should be to stick around long enough to finish what He has us here to complete. We could leave our future up to chance, or we could take this time that we have been given to make at least some effort to ready ourselves for further instability and chaos. The world is only going to get darker and darker. We need to prepare."

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Christian Nature Books

Birds of the Bible:A Guide for Bible Readers and Birdwatchers, by Peter Goodfellow

Birds of the Bible:A Guide for Bible Readers and Birdwatchers, by Peter Goodfellow.

Proper review coming soon. From the publisher, "An engaging and informative study of all the birds mentioned in the Bible, relating the references both to Bible times and to birdwatching in the Holy Land now and, where appropriate, explaining the message or symbolism behind the references to birds, for the benefit of pilgrims and birdwatchers. The Prologue sets the scene by giving a simple description of the topography and climate in Israel, so that readers - wherever they are - may get a sense of what the place is like. The following chapters cover topics such as the creation of birds; bird migration; Job's birds; birds and Jesus; and singing and nesting birds. Some species are written about in detail. Others, especially those whose identity is disputed, get less attention. Birds are mentioned repeatedly in the Bible. They play a big role in illustrating the authors' intentions and in describing the characters in the stories. Illustrated with exquisite watercolours, this book reveals the significance and identity of all of the birds in the Old and New Testaments."

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Books about Christian Purity

A serious look at how people lived before modern "freedoms" began to take over, as they have done many other times in the past. Some of which you can read about in the Bible.

I'll write proper reviews of these books soon...

Moral Revolution: The Naked Truth about Sexual Purity, by Kris Vallotton

Moral Revolution: The Naked Truth about Sexual Purity, by Kris Vallotton.

From the publisher, "Sex. Purity. Virginity. Love. Moral Revolution seeks to inspire a culture of love, honor and respect with people who walk in purity, passion and power. This intimate and honest book addresses the root causes of purity issues rather than merely communicating to the masses to "abstain from having sex." It will call you to a higher standard of living, imparting value for your heart and encouraging you to walk in all God has created you to be. Many who have given in to the power of peer pressure and the lure of distorted cultural values will find hope and courage to start over again. Moral Revolution is written for radical and passionate people who dream of being catalysts to a different kind of sexual revolution--one that transforms the way the world views sexuality, defines the unborn and embraces the family. Join the Moral Revolution!"

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When God Writes your Love Story (Extended Edition): The Ultimate Guide to Guy/Girl Relationships, by Eric Ludy, Leslie Ludy

When God Writes your Love Story (Extended Edition): The Ultimate Guide to Guy/Girl Relationships, by Eric Ludy, Leslie Ludy.

From the publisher, "In their most popular book, bestselling authors Eric and Leslie Ludy challenge singles to take a fresh approach to relationships in a culture where love has been replaced by cheap sensual passion. When God Writes Your Love Story shows that God's way to true love brings fulfillment and romance in its purest, richest, and most satisfying form. This new edition includes an extra chapter from Leslie Ludy about the surprises of life after marriage! "I had dreamed of a perfect love story for my entire life. But somewhere in the midst of the endless cycle of temporary romances, my dreams had shattered." How can I find a love worth waiting for? Lay the foundation now-whether you've met your future spouse or not-for a lifelong romance. Bestselling authors Eric and Leslie Ludy invite you to discover how beautiful your love story can be when the Author of romance scripts every detail. Story Behind the Book Eric and Leslie Ludy want to offer an exciting vision of hope, proving that the Author of romance is alive and well and that true and lasting love can become a reality. Using the "four secrets to an amazing love story," Eric and Leslie present a Christ-centered approach to building a relationship that will stand the test of time."

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Every Man's Battle (Includes Workbook): Winning the War on Sexual Temptation One Victory at a Time, by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker

Every Man's Battle (Includes Workbook): Winning the War on Sexual Temptation One Victory at a Time, by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker.

From the publisher, "The challenge every man faces...the fight every man can win From movies and television, to print media and the Internet, men are constantly faced with the assault of sensual images. It is impossible to avoid such temptations... but, thankfully, not impossible to confront them and gain victory over them Millions have found "Every Man's Battle "the single greatest resource for overcoming the struggle and remaining strong in the face of temptation. With extensive updates for a new generation, this phenomenal bestseller shares the stories of dozens who have escaped the trap of sexual immorality and presents a practical, detailed plan for any man who desires sexual integrity. Includes a comprehensive workbook and a special section for women, designed to help them understand and support the men they love."

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Every Young Man's Battle (Includes Workbook): Strategies for Victory in the Real World of Sexual Temptation, by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker with Mike Yorkey

Every Young Man's Battle (Includes Workbook): Strategies for Victory in the Real World of Sexual Temptation, by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker with Mike Yorkey.

From the publisher, "Can any young man escape the lure of sexual temptation in today's world? You're surrounded by sex constantly--in movies, on TV, video games, music, the Internet. Is it any wonder that it feels impossible to stay sexually pure? How do men survive the relentless battle against the onslaught of lust? With powerful ammunition. The authors of the hard-hitting mega-bestseller "Every Man's Battle "know the temptations young men face every day. The fact is, you can achieve victory over sexual compromise. "Every Young Man's Battle "shows you how to rise above today's debased, self-seeking culture by examining God's standard, training your eyes and mind, cleaning up your thought life, and developing a plan. With extensive updates for a new generation of men, this is the award-winning guide to practical resistance. Bottom line: these strategies are biblical and they have worked for millions of men. Experience real hope for living the way God designed. Enter the battle. Includes comprehensive workbook for individual and group study."

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Preparing Your Son for Every Man's Battle: Honest Conversations about Sexual Integrity, by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker

Preparing Your Son for Every Man's Battle: Honest Conversations about Sexual Integrity, by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker.

From the publisher, "It's never been easy for a father or mother to talk to a son about sex. For Christian parents, it's always been a challenge to know exactly how to teach God's standards of purity and integrity. But today, the stakes are higher than they've ever been. So it's vital that fathers and mothers prepare their sons to withstand the sexual onslaught of their culture through movies, television, music, and the Internet. But what should you say? And how should you say it? The authors behind the best-selling Every Man series have put together all the resources and guidance you need to experience frank, thorough, and natural conversations with your son about sexual integrity. They offer an effective new communication process that ensures a deep, abiding relationship as your son moves into his teen years and beyond. Equip him with the biblical information and spiritual insights he needs to stand strong, overcome temptation, and experience the blessings of godly obedience... for the rest of his life. Ideal for all parents of boys, including single moms. "

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Every Woman's Battle (Includes Workbook): Discovering God's Plan for Sexual and Emotional Fulfillment, by Shannon Ethridge

Every Woman's Battle (Includes Workbook): Discovering God's Plan for Sexual and Emotional Fulfillment, by Shannon Ethridge.

I haven't read this one but it's good the ladies have one of these books too. From the publisher, "Your sexual needs are far different from your man's. And they may be more dangerous. When does an affair begin? Not with the first forbidden touch...but with the first forbidden thought. Unexpectedly, you find yourself enjoying a powerful emotional bond with another man. You feel like you matter to someone again. And the door you thought was locked so firmly-the door to sexual infidelity-is suddenly ajar. The only way women can survive the intense struggle for sexual integrity is by guarding not just your body, but your mind and heart as well. "Every Woman's Battle" can help you learn to do that. Using real-life stories and examples from her own struggle, Shannon Ethridge helps women like you-whether married, engaged, or planning to marry someday--to: - Understand the four unique components of female sexuality - Discern the common myths that keep women standing in the line of fire - Design a new defense to protect every aspect of your life - Cultivate an unimaginable level of intimacy with your husband or husband-to-be - Develop an affair with the one and only Lover who will truly satisfy your innermost desires: Jesus Christ Written in the honest style of the best-selling Every Man Series but with a uniquely female perspective, "Every Woman's Battle" will lead you on a lifelong path to true joy and fulfillment--sexually, emotionally, and spiritually. Includes a comprehensive workbook for individual or group study."

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Every Single Woman's Battle Workbook: A Companion Guide for Personal or Group Study, by Shannon Ethridge

Every Single Woman's Battle Workbook: A Companion Guide for Personal or Group Study, by Shannon Ethridge.

Another one that I haven't read. The publisher says, "Powerful Tools for Guarding Your Body, Mind, and Heart Remaining pure while single isn't easy in a culture that encourages a woman to use her body to gain power, respect, and personal fulfillment. The longing for emotional and physical connection can gradually and subtly lead you into compromises you never intended to make. But you can resist the pressures—or reclaim your purity—by building a strong foundation of integrity. This book, ideal for study with Every Woman's Battle, is designed specifically for single women and will give you the tools you need to resist temptation and discover true fulfillment. Through practical and biblical lessons you'll be equipped to: understand the unique components of female sexuality; discern your personal areas of vulnerability; design a defense plan to protect your heart and mind, as well as your body; and allow God to satisfy the desires He placed within you. Each weekly study section—designed both for individual and small group use in eight-week or twelve-week tracks—guides you deeper into God's Word, then helps you personalize and apply the principles that will help you live in sexual and emotional purity. Praise for Every Woman's Battle and Every Young Woman's Battle by Shannon Ethridge "There is a common, almost Victorian, myth that women don't really struggle with sexual sin. That myth causes many women to feel a double shame.The shame of struggling sexually is compounded by the assumption that few, if any, women share the same battle. Shannon Ethridge artfully and boldly unveils the war and offers women a way to enter the battle with courage, hope, and grace. Every Woman's Battle will help both men and women comprehend the glorious beauty and sensuality of holiness. This is a desperately needed book."—DAN B. ALLENDER, PHD, president of Mars Hill Graduate School and author of The Healing Path"

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Every Young Woman's Battle (Includes Workbook): Guarding your Mind, Heart, and Body in a Sex-Saturated World, by Shannon Ethridge and Stephen Arterburn

Every Young Woman's Battle (Includes Workbook): Guarding your Mind, Heart, and Body in a Sex-Saturated World, by Shannon Ethridge and Stephen Arterburn.

From the publisher, "Guys Aren't the Only Ones Fighting a Battle for Purity. The world you live in promotes sex as the answer to just about everything. The pressure to go along with the crowd is greater than ever before, and it's easy to compromise in little ways that are a lot more harmful than they seem. You and your friends may become caught up in destructive relationships or sexual activities without even knowing how you got there. You just want to be normal-to fit in, to be liked, to look attractive to the opposite sex. But are you paying too high a price? This counterpart to the award-winning "Every Young Man's Battle "can help you: - learn how the sexual battle begins in your heart and mind - understand your hunger for attention from guys - recognize and avoid the potential pitfalls awaiting young women on the journey toward adulthood and possibly marriage - find out how the media, novels, fashion, internet chat rooms, and body and beauty obsessions influence your sexual choices-and what you can do about it - guard your mind, heart, and body against sexual and emotional compromise - develop a deeper, more satisfying level of intimacy with God Whether you have so far protected yourself emotionally and sexually, feel that you've been robbed of your purity, or have given in to temptation in some way, this book can help you achieve or reclaim sexual integrity. It can also guide you through the temptations and pressures of young adulthood while demonstrating how you can live your life to the fullest-without regrets. Includes a comprehensive workbook for individual or group study."

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Sex, Dating, and Relationships: A Fresh Approach, by Gerald Hiestand and Jay S. Thomas

Sex, Dating, and Relationships: A Fresh Approach, by Gerald Hiestand and Jay S. Thomas.

This is one of the smaller ones at 160 pages. The publisher's info is "Answering questions like 'How far is too far?', the authors articulate a biblical theology of dating aimed at persuading a new generation of Christians to get serious about honoring Christ with their sexuality."

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Why Good People Mess Up: Keys to Upright Living in a Seductive World, by John Loren Sandford

Why Good People Mess Up: Keys to Upright Living in a Seductive World, by John Loren Sandford.

The review of this was lost due to a database error, sorry. I'll do another one soon.

From the publisher, "This book describes powerful, unseen forces that drive some Christians into sexual sins. It includes help and hope for believers who want to stand in the face of overwhelming sexual compulsions, and forgiveness and knowledge for those who have been hurt by fallen leaders."

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Christian Books about Psychology and Inner Issues

Transforming the Inner Man, by John Loren Sandford, Paula Sandford

Transforming the Inner Man, by John Loren Sandford, Paula Sandford.

This is the first of four books in a series but each book can be read on its own. My copies are in a storage unit and I'll have to get them out and review them properly. (I have a lot of books)... I read these not long after becoming a Christian and found them very helpful.

The description says, "This foundational book will equip each believer with the basic steps to a life-transforming, deeper intimacy with the Father. Transforming the Inner Man introduces the keys that reach to the depth of the heart with the power of the cross and resurrection to effect lasting change through continual death and rebirth. John and Paula Sandford take a no-nonsense approach to Christian living. A few of their chapter titles are as follows: Sanctification and Transformation - Performance Orientation - The Central Power and Necessity of Forgiveness - The Role of a Christian Counselor - Bitter-Root Judgment and Expectancy - Generational Sin. In this thought-provoking and sensitive message, the Sandfords challenge every believer to focus on change from the inside out. A change that will last."

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God's Power to Change: Healing the Wounded Spirit, by John Loren Sandford, Paula Sandford

God's Power to Change: Healing the Wounded Spirit, by John Loren Sandford, Paula Sandford.

This is book 2 of the four book Transformation Series. The official description says, "Fear of rejection. Loneliness. Depression. Grief. Isolation. What Christian hasn't experienced these feelings at some time in life? Many wonder why their lives don't demonstrate the victorious living that they desire, asking questions like: Why can't I overcome this area in my life? Why is it so difficult for me to change? If I am a Christian, why do I keep falling into the same sinful pattern over and over again? In God's Power to Change, book two of four in The Transformation Series, readers will learn, in simple ways, how to reach and heal their spirits and the inner spirit of each person to whom they minister. Through the power of His Word and the Holy Spirit, we can change!"

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Letting Go of Your Past: Take Control of Your Future by Addressing the Habits, Hurts, and Attitudes from Previous Relationships, by John Loren Sandford, Paula Sandford

Letting Go of Your Past: Take Control of Your Future by Addressing the Habits, Hurts, and Attitudes from Previous Relationships, by John Loren Sandford, Paula Sandford.

This is book three of four in the Transformation Series.

From the back cover, " Transform Your Past to Victory: You have the choice. Your past contains a wealth of relationships, experiences, lessons and hurts. You can learn from them and use them as a foundation for a victorious future. Or you can let them use you - tainting your current relationships and hindering your ability to be the person you were created to be. In Letting Go of Your Past - book three of four in The Transformation Series - you will discover how past relationships and events are affecting your life today and what you can do to address them and find healing. By applying the scriptural principles in this book, you can confidently: Build and maintain healthy relationships with family members - Create the right balance between "bearing one another's burdens" and allowing healthy separation as you empower others to grow and flourish - Find true oneness in your marriage - Become an effective, contributing member of society. The Transformation Series is your road map to spiritual growth and improved emotional health. Learn how to relate in wholeness and worship God in total abandonment!"

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Growing Pains: How to Overcome Life's Earliest Experiences to Become All God Wants You to Be, by John Loren Sandford, Paula Sandford

Growing Pains: How to Overcome Life's Earliest Experiences to Become All God Wants You to Be, by John Loren Sandford, Paula Sandford.

The fourth book in the Transformation Series.

From the Back Cover, "Are you trying to live for God but struggling with issues and emotions you don't understand? Become all God wants you to be when you deal with the negative feelings that have their roots in your earliest life experiences. Growing Pains, the final book of The Transformation Series, helps you tackle unresolved issues like insecurity, anger, disappointment, or emptiness that remain from negative experiences in your early years. It gives steps for identifying the root causes of your problems and outlines principles for dealing with them once and for all. As you learn to identify and heal your own hurts, you will also discover how to proactively help the children in your life - setting them on the road to happy, healthy, productive lives from the start. The Transformation Series is your road map to spiritual growth and improved emotional health. This four-book series will teach you how to relate in wholeness and worship God in total abandon!"

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Restoring the Christian Family, by John Loren Sandford, Paula Sandford

Restoring the Christian Family, by John Loren Sandford, Paula Sandford.

I lent my copy of this to a psychologist and I haven't got it back yet. From the back cover, "Building Safe, Happy, Healthy Family Relationships in Today's World: There is no question that today's families are struggling. Maybe your family is as well--you and your spouse don't talk like you used to, your children seem distant or resentful, or you have simply lost that connection you once had. In Restoring the Christian Family John Loren and Paula Sandford take you to the heart of the issues, offering concrete advice to help you experience fulfilling family relationships. Drawing from more than thirty years of counseling experience and providing honest and touching illustrations from their own family life, the Sandfords take on the issues that are tearing today's families apart, providing hope and healing to everyone who is struggling to keep their family together, happy, and healthy."

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Christian Counseling: 3rd Edition, Revised and Updated, by Gary R. Collins

Christian Counseling: 3rd Edition, Revised and Updated, by Gary R. Collins.

This large book (976 pages) is meant for Christian counselors but I've found it very useful just for reading for myself. I bought it after seeing it on a shelf, and then taking it to a chair in the bookshop (Koorong) to read it, and then I couldn't put it back on the shelf. It's got a vast amount of material and covers most of the life issues that people face in Western countries from a Christian perspective.

From the publisher, "This proven guide in pastoral counseling has been extensively expanded and revised by the author to include recent developments and research, new resources, and attention to newly urgent needs such as AIDS, eating disorders, homosexuality, and violence. Written with clarity and sensitivity, this volume builds on biblical foundations and the best resources of professional psychology. It reflects the insights the author has gained from many years of Christian counseling. New Sections include: The Legal, Ethical and Moral Issues in Counseling, The Multicultural, Multiracial Issues in Counseling, Conflict and Relationships, Dealing with Death and Grief, Alcoholism and Other Substance Abuse, Crises and Trauma. Counseling and Terrorism"

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Christian Books about Addictions


God is for the Alcoholic, by Jerry Dunn with Bernard Palmer

God is for the Alcoholic, by Jerry Dunn with Bernard Palmer.

When I went into the bookstore Koorong to ask if they had any Christian books about recovering from alcoholism, this is the book they recommended. However they didn't have it in stock anymore. Full review coming soon.

From the publisher: "I am an alcoholic, I know what it is like to burn with a desire to drink that is so overpowering that family, jobs, and friends mean nothing compared to the desire for liquor. I know what it is like to wake up on a hotel room not knowing where I am or how I got there. I also know the joy of complete deliverance from the power of alcohol addiction and never cease to praise God for such deliverance.'Author Jerry Dunn discovered there is indeed hope for the alcoholic. God provided his escape at the end of a two-year drunk, when he picked up a Bible in a Texas prison. God Is for the Alcoholic is the product of that scape. Jerry Dunn knows the road up from alcoholism is long and difficult but that it can be followed with God's help and through commitment, patience, and diligence.In this revised edition of God Is for the Alcoholic, read sections on understanding alcoholism, ways to help the alcoholic, and ways the alcoholic can help himself. Discover release from the power of alcohol."

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The Heart of Addiction, by Mark E. Shaw

The Heart of Addiction, by Mark E. Shaw.

Full review coming soon. Christian book covering how to overcome substance abuse addictions, especially alcohol. Less of a "story" book than some others in this genre. Full of strong Biblical advice. Probably more of a hardcore Christian book than the others I've seen in this genre.

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Coming Clean, by Seth Haines

Coming Clean, by Seth Haines.

Proper review coming soon. I've only just got this one.

From the publisher: "Seth Haines was in the hospital with his wife, planning funeral songs for their not-yet two-year-old, when he made a very conscious decision: this was the last day he wanted to feel. That evening, he asked his sister to smuggle in a bottle of gin, and gave in to addiction. But whether or not you've ever had a drop to drink in your life, we're all looking for ways to stop the pain. Like Seth, we're all seeking balms for the anxiety of what sometimes seems to be an absent, unresponsive God--whether it's through people-pleasing, shopping, the internet, food, career highs, or even good works and elite theology. We attempt to anesthetize our anxiety through addiction--any old addiction. But it often leaves us feeling even more empty than before. In Coming Clean, Seth Haines writes a raw account of his first 90 days of sobriety, illuminating how to face the pain we'd rather avoid, and even more importantly, how an abiding God meets us in that pain. Seth shows us that true wholeness is found in facing our pain and anxieties with the tenacity and tenderness of Jesus, and only through Christ's passion can we truly come clean. No one wants to admit they have a problem, but the truth is we all have one. Coming Clean acts as both a mirror and a map. Seth Haines' beautifully pointed writing and compelling story of sobriety force us to look at the realities of our own pain, but show us the way of healing by directing us to the goodness of God. For the pastor, for the layperson, for the victim of addiction, for the person with air in their lungs, Coming Clean is required reading. I've waited my whole life for this book, and I'm giving it to everyone I know. -Nish Weiseth, author of Speak: How Your Story Can Change the World"

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Sober Mercies - How Love Caught Up with a Christian Drunk, by Heather Kopp

Sober Mercies - How Love Caught Up with a Christian Drunk, by Heather Kopp.

Another new one. I purchased several of these books recently for a relative with a drinking problem, and then started to read them myself.

From the publisher: "Where do you turn for hope when you already have the answer--but the answer isn't working? As a long-time Christian, Heather Kopp never expected to become an out-of-control alcoholic who kept private stashes of booze all over the place--tucked behind books in her study, zipped into a special compartment in her oversized purse, at the back of her closet stuffed inside her boots. Even as her career and marriage teetered on the brink, Kopp couldn't get a grip, desperately hiding the true extent of her drinking from the rest of the world--her husband included. During the day she wrote books about God and prayer and family. At night she'd locked herself in her bathroom to guzzle chardonnay. For her, as for many Christians who struggle with addiction, overwhelming shame and confusion only made things worse. Why wasn't her faith enough to save her? Why didn't repentance, Bible reading and prayer work? Where was God? Meanwhile, as she watched in horror, her grown son descended into his own nightmare of drugs and alcohol. She feared for his life, yet she couldn't stop drinking long enough to help him--or find a way out for herself. Until the day everything changed. Engaging, funny and bracingly honest, Kopp shares her remarkable journey into darkness...and back to the light again. Her story reveals the unique challenges and spiritual conundrums Christians face when they become ensnared in an addiction, and the redemption that's possible when we finally reach the end of ourselves. If you love Jesus but shop too much, drink too much, eat too much, crush on men who aren't your husband, or otherwise fixate on doing things you hate but can't stop doing, SOBER MERCIES is for you. As you follow Kopp's sincere, stumbling journey toward freedom and a deeply satisfying relationship with God, you'll find renewed hope--and practical steps of recovery--for your own journey. "

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General Christian Books

Run Baby Run, by Nicky Cruz, with Jamie Buckingham

Run Baby Run, by Nicky Cruz, with Jamie Buckingham.

This is a very powerful book. It's sold over 12 million copies which says a lot. By comparison, the biggest selling music album is Michael Jackson's Thriller which has sold 29 million copies. I read it very young, like maybe age 8, which I think is too young for such an adult-themed book. It's a biography of Nicky's life as he transforms from violent gang leader to a Christian preacher. The descriptions of gang activity are quite detailed and graphic. It was first published in 1968 and has been reprinted many times.

This book reminds me of how much I have changed. When I was young (primary-school age), I found the descriptions of his gang activities a lot more interesting than the Christian parts.

Occasionally when I feel like shocking someone (especially someone female) who doesn't know me that well, I tell them I used to be in a gang. Then after a pause I say, "..... when I was six". It was quite a small gang, mostly just me, and one other friend who was the instigator, and a few less interested hangers-on. What I remember the most from my gang activity is planning out how we were going to steal cars and rob the bank, etc., when we we teenagers. And how much my gang friend idolised teenagers like that, and wanted to be like them. The following year I moved away from that area and group of friends, which was probably just as well. Since in that scene, and at that time of life, that was what we aspired to - growing up to become not a doctor or astronaut or racing car driver, but a criminal.

The publisher's comment is "The book that has stunned and moved the hearts of millions is to be re-released with a dramatic new cover to be put into the Hodder Contemporary Classics series. Cruz's classic testimony is still compelling reading more than forty years after its first publication. A childhood overshadowed by spiritualism in his Puerto Rican home preceded a harsh and violent adolescence as the leader of one of New York's toughest street gangs. Chilling scenes of knife fights, torture and murder dominated the life of a young man proud and feared on the outside, but inwardly running scared. His fears and loneliness were brought to the surface through an encounter with the unlikely character of preacher David Wilkerson, who led Cruz to open his life to Christ - an incredible conversion that amazed all who knew him."

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Soul Obsession: When God's Primary Pursuit Becomes Your Life's Driving Passion, by Nicky Cruz, with Frank Martin

Soul Obsession: When God's Primary Pursuit Becomes Your Life's Driving Passion, by Nicky Cruz, with Frank Martin.

This is more from Nicky Cruz, author of Run Baby Run. If you like Run Baby Run and you'd like to hear more from Nicky, this is a very good book to get. What I remember most about it is his descriptions of attending church services for the first time. I read it around the time I started going to church regularly, as an adult, for the first time. Soul Obsession helped me a lot to not feel so much like "What am I doing in a church, surely they will know I can't possibly belong here". A lot of the time I felt like any minute someone would tap me on the shoulder and say "Hey, sorry but you must realise we can't really have people like you around here". It's not like the life I lived before was amazingly bad. Perhaps I have a paranoid nature - but I do think a lot of people feel somewhat like that when first attending church, like you have to be super-impossibly good. This book was very helpful in not feeling so much like that.

From the publisher, "New from the author of the best-selling Christian classic, Run Baby Run. The God we love is passionate about finding lost souls, with freeing human hearts enslaved to sin. To truly know God, this must become our life's driving desire as well ourSoul Obsession. And when we fall obediently in step with God, we'll see Him perform miracles through us to rescue people and give them new life. In his powerful new book, internationally known author Nicky Cruz shares powerful personal stories of faithful obedience, even in the midst of difficult circumstances-including the amazing story of his mother's deathbed conversion and healing. You, too, can move past doubts, understand both the natural and supernatural worlds, and develop a faith that can move any mountain, no matter how high or wide or difficult. "Do we truly understand the power we have at our fingertips? Do we grasp the significance of the message that we bring to a lost world? Do we comprehend how easily evil can be beaten and revoked by simply opening ourselves up to the moving of the Holy Spirit among us? Do we know what God is capable of doing among us? "If you want to change the world, begin by letting God change you. By letting the passion of Jesus become your passion. By letting the Holy Spirit be your only guide and mentor, every step, every minute of the day. By allowing God to set your heart on fire with a Soul Obsession!"-Nicky Cruz"

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Why Men Hate Going to Church, by David Murrow

Why Men Hate Going to Church, by David Murrow.

I noticed this book on the shelf of a bookshop (Koorong) around the time I first started attending church as an adult. The title really stood out to me. I was relieved to hear that I wan't the only one with some amount of trepidation about attending church. I was planning to buy it. But then, after not that long really, I found that I actually really like going to church and so I figured I didn't need it anymore.

The publisher's comments are "'Church is boring.' 'It's irrelevant.' 'It's full of hypocrites.' You've heard the excuses — now learn the real reasons men and boys are fleeing churches of every kind, all over the world. Christianity is the only world religion with a chronic shortage of men. David Murrow identifies the barriers to male participation, and explains why it's so hard to motivate the men who do go to church. Then, he takes you inside several fast-growing congregations that are winning the hearts of men and boys. The first release of Why Men Hate Going to Church sold more than 125,000 copies and was published in multiple languages. This edition is completely revised, reorganized, and rewritten, with more than 70 percent new content. Why Men Hate Going to Church does not call men back to church — it calls the church back to men. "

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The Kingdom of the Cults, by Walter Martin

The Kingdom of the Cults, by Walter Martin.

My one has a sightly different colour cover than the one pictured here, I don't know if that means it's different. The one I have is a really well bound hardcover book with a paper dust jacket. It's large, 704 pages. It has a proper index. It describes a large number of other belief systems from the perspective of tradtitional Christianity. I'll write a better review later when there is time!

From the publisher, "The authoritative reference work on major cult systems for nearly forty years. Working closely together, Ravi Zacharias and Managing Editors Jill and Kevin Rische (daughter of Dr. Martin) have updated and augmented the work with new material. This book will continue as a crucial tool in countercult ministry and in evangelism for years to come. Among cults and religions included are: Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, New Age Cults, the Unification Church, Baha'i Faith, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and more."

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The Kingdom of the Occult, by Walter Martin, Jill Martin Rische, Kurt Van Gorden, and Kevin Rische

The Kingdom of the Occult, by Walter Martin, Jill Martin Rische, Kurt Van Gorden, and Kevin Rische.

This one follows in a similiar style to Kingdom of the Cults, but goes into even more "out there" types of belief, like satanism, demon possession and other occult practices. For that reason, it's probably more interesting than Martin's earlier book, thought they are both very good. 733 pages including comprehensive index.

I'll write a better review later on. Personally I think that the effect of the spirit world on our everyday lives is absolutely huge, and greatly underrated by most people, even my many believers. I think this counts for both the forces of light and for those of darkness. The idea of 'demons' can be terrifying to many people, but I've come to think of the spirit world in a similiar way to the world of microbes and 'germs'. I don't mean that they are the same thing. I mean that, like microbes, the spirit world is all around us, all the time, but we usually can't see any of it. Also that it's effects are all around us and even inside us without our knowing. (For e.g., something like half to 90% of the cells in our body are bacteria in our intestines, and not even part of our actual body at all.) Also, while a great many microbial organisms don't affect us that much, there are some that do. Some are good and others bad. Most of them around us are only mildly so but a few can be extremely good or bad. With the bad ones, we can avoid or at least greatly reduce our chance of getting sick (or dying) from them by practicing hygiene. I extend this analogy to the spirit world, where good 'hygiene' means exposing ourselved to as little of the dark world as possible. The way I think of this, it includes a lot of the basic advice which has been promoted my many religions (like being kind to people).

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7, NIV.

From the publisher, "The Kingdom of the Occult delivers the timely followup to Dr. Martin's best-selling 'The Kingdom of the Cults'. This book takes Dr. Walter Martin's comprehensive knowledge and his dynamic teaching style and forges a strong weapon against the world of the Occult-a weapon of the same scope and power as his phenomenal thirty-five year bestseller,The Kingdom of the Cults (over 875,000 sold). Chapters include: Witchcraft and Wicca, Satanism, Pagan Religions, Tools of the Occult, Demon Possession and Exorcism, Spiritual Warfare, etc.".

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Cover image by Chat Karen Studio / Shutterstock.

See Also